Friday, March 29, 2013

We've moved!

It's official: The Painted Piglet has moved to its own domain name on the Internet and henceforth can be found at:

I am still working on a few issues having to do with bringing Friends and Followers over from the Blogger blog (this one). For one thing, I won't be able to carry over the "Google Friend Connect" feature. Google no longer offers this tool for non-Blogger blogs. 

So if you are one of the 13 lovely people who gets Piglet updates via GFC, I really hope and pray that you will find a new way to keep up with me! I am researching what these options might be, but the best way will probably be via the RSS Feed which is now tied to the new domain name. 

Related: if you follow using RSS Feeds, you probably know that Google Reader is going away in July. I have just discovered what looks like a nice, simple alternative, called  The Old Reader. I'm currently testing it out and will report back soon! 

Thank you for reading - please head on over to for the latest posts! 

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